Cognitive Automation


Cognitive Automation

Automation with AI enables your entire organization to be always-on, optimizing operations to provide seamless business continuity which enables you to Digitize and Automate workflows .

Experts from Techeva can help you build cognitive automation solutions whose benefits are:

  • Plan, Pilot and Scale
  • Augment your workforce
  • Modernize operations

Techeva Four steps of process design
We partner with clients around the world to transform and manage functional and industry-specific processes to achieve intelligent digital operations. These services rely on AI, process automation and advanced analytics to help deliver higher-quality processes to lower cost with less risk.

They address the four fundamental steps of process design

  • Assess business process workflow and redesign
  • Select automation technologies and determine how they fit with the enterprise architecture
  • Deploy accelerated proofs of concept using specific-automation solutions
  • Integrate AI to create self-healing and automatic processes and provide business insights

We have Industry specific solutions to Transform and optimize business processes with automation.

Transform your Finance operations

We help transform finance organizations from improving the efficiency of their finance processes to creating smart functions with intelligent workflows — capable of finding, connecting and analyzing data to uncover deep insights that can inform intelligent decisions. We partner with clients to advise and manage end-to-end processes.

Benefits include

  • Reducing operating costs and Drive Business value

Smarter Supply Chain

Organizations that continually refine processes by implementing business process improvement solutions deliver better business outcomes, even in times of change. Techeva can help you evolve supply chain processes through intelligent workflows to reduce operational silos, respond to market disruptions, mitigate risk and maintain business continuity.

Benefits include

  • Drive resiliency, agility and predictability
  • Enable end-to-end supply chain visibility
  • Minimize the complexity of supplier onboarding